Do’er Duck Headband with Ms. Joni

Do’er Duck perseveres and would like you to make a headband to be reminded to never give up, always keep trying, you can do it! Click here for template of headband.

You will need the template, Crayons, Glue, and Scissors . I’ve printed on card stock which makes the templates a little sturdier! Each time your child completes a task, put a sticker on the headband as a visual reminder, let those stickers add up! It shows how much they persevere and reminds them that they can do it!

Do’er Duck would like to help you teach perseverance to your children. This is a Resource Book filled with templates, activities and lessons to help teach perseverance. This is a Poster and Bulletin Board Book filled with templates to use for teaching perseverance. Put them around the window or a door frame and engage your children in this vital core vale. This is our social story, Let’s Persevere starring Do’er Duck to help introduce the character and trait if you’d like.

Do’er Duck also has an engaging planting book which is fun for your children to do. Plant a sunflower seed(s) and learn how to take care of this plant and watch how tall it grows. You’ll measure and have fun with this activity book. From just a little seed a beautiful flower grows and the beauty that will surround you from just a little seed, never really ever, grows old, that is just me. (Joni) This is a great way to introduce perseverance, thinking that there is no way that this small seed can grow into a towering, beautiful flower! Do’er Duck also has a Halloween activity book which your children might like, too. Do’er Duck would like you to discuss what it means to persevere with your children. In life, there are tasks that are difficult, however, to give up should not be an option. First, if you quit, you’re not challenging yourself to learn just how capable you are of the task at hand, second, you will never know the great feeling of accomplishment and third, how will you learn something new? Remind yourself that it’s really alright to fail, it shows that you’re trying. There is a lesson in the failure, don’t give up, please, try again. You’re building your perseverance, your character and will learn a little bit more about yourself, and should feel proud of your accomplishment! For a child, it may be learning to tie their shoes, and while it seems a simple task to you, it’s a big deal to them. Celebrate your child and your accomplishments because it proves that you didn’t give up. If it takes ten times or just one, good for you, you did it! Keep on keepin on…..

Below is a picture of a young girl who just loved Do’er Duck! While I was on the Reading Team at a school, this young girl and her mother made her a costume of her own of Do’er Duck! What a fun reminder to never give up, and a fun activity to bring this character to the Halloween parade at school! Years later, this young lady found us on facebook and she and her mom came out to an event we did called The Chicago Land Kids Expo and they dressed in our costume! What a fun memory and reminder of perseverance.


12th Mindful Monday Word-Compassion


Do’er Duck Paper Bag Puppet