Self-Esteem Elephant was created by Joni Downey, founder of Characters of Character NFP, Inc., to help children understand, internalize, and portray what it means to have high self-esteem and develop coping skills. Self-Esteem Elephant helps children relate to the trait associated with the Character by being a visual (similar to their favorite cartoon character.) They begin to learn about the trait through conversations, activities, books, discussions, and art activities. Once there is an understanding and connection between Self-Esteem Elephant and the trait of confidence, children will eventually begin to portray what it means to accept and be proud of who they are. From there it transitions from mimicking the trait they’ve learned about to understanding and internalizing it so that it becomes second nature to have confidence in all settings. As the child grows older, they continue to develop the trait even after Self-Esteem Elephant as a visual reinforcement begins to fade out.
Self-Esteem Elephant teaches children to like who they are and be proud of the person they are becoming. Self-Esteem Elephant encourages children to be confident with the decisions they make - including their own behavior.
Having high self-esteem can promote a strong work ethic and open up more opportunities, better friendships, standing up for what you believe in, and not letting your flaws get the best of you. Having low self-esteem can mean that you never have the confidence to reach your goals or take opportunities that you are given.
Those 3 words:
The character Self-Esteem Elephant is one of my favorites with a message of “I Like ME” which I love to share with children and youth during visits and discussions. We visited Hendersonville, Tennessee a few years ago at a Farmer’s Market to share the character and our Confidence Building activity box. At this event we passed out coloring pages of Self-Esteem Elephant and water bottles with labels on them that read, I Like ME. After returning back home I had an email from a mom whose daughter had received both and it sparked a conversation. Her daughter wouldn’t throw out her water bottle as she just loves those 3 little words! We sent her more stickers and resources to work on with her daughter and learned that she was also a Girl Scout Leader, so the message continued on which makes my heart dance!
Take Self-Esteem Elephant With You Wherever You Go
Click each individual image below to find our Self-Esteem Elephant resources on Amazon. Every purchase helps support our mission of providing a firm foundation for children to develop strong civic values and your support is greatly appreciated!