Responsible Rabbit was created by Joni Downey, founder of Characters of Character NFP, Inc., to help children understand, internalize, and portray what it means to be responsible. Responsible Rabbit helps children relate to the trait associated with the Character by being a visual (similar to their favorite cartoon character.) They begin to learn about the trait through conversations, activities, books, discussions, and art activities. Once there is an understanding and connection between Responsible Rabbit and the trait of being responsible, children will eventually begin to portray what it means to be responsible. From there it transitions from mimicking the trait they’ve learned about to understanding and internalizing it so that it becomes second nature to make good choices in all settings. As the child grows older, they continue to develop the trait even after Responsible Rabbit as a visual reinforcement begins to fade out.

Taking responsibility will lead to financial stability, being able to stand tall and confident with the person that you are. By not having a foggy conscious you will open your mind, heart, and soul to better the world and finding your true happiness!

Responsible Rabbit teaches children what being responsible means and that we are each responsible for our own actions and behaviors. Responsible Rabbit also reminds children that they are responsible for cleaning their own room, their own attitude, and why being responsible for our things and actions is so important.

Teaching Children To Make Good Choices

Making decisions is a big responsibility! There is always an outcome based on the decision that you make - which could be good or it could have consequences.

Responsible Rabbit helps children develop the skills to be able to make good choices on their own.

By reaching children at an early age, Responsible Rabbit creates the foundation for a successful adulthood. From financial decisions to who we choose to be friends with, Responsible Rabbit is here to help children learn to make good choices with confidence.

Take Responsible Rabbit With You Wherever You Go

Click each individual image below to find our Responsible Rabbit resources on Amazon. Every purchase helps support our mission of providing a firm foundation for children to develop strong civic values and your support is greatly appreciated!

Let’s Connect!

Meet Responsible Rabbit’s Friends!
Click the picture to learn more about each Character.