Hello Fall

The air is crisp, the leaves are falling, the colors are abundant. Fall, my favorite time of the year, my favorite season besides Spring. While the seasons change, there is nothing we can do but embrace them, our character should never change, but, improve, there is always room for improvement in our lives.

Fall into Good Character, if you dare, for there are so many people who really care. They care what you're doing, care what you say, and you're always a role model, even from far away.

Teaching our children to build a strong foundation of good character helps them to grow into the best they can be, to be a role model for their family and peers, and builds lasting friendships through out the years. Check out our books, YouTube, Mindful Monday blog and perhaps you'd enjoy our newsletters?

We are making a difference, one child at a time. Joni

Teaching Tips To Support Good Character in a Child:

  • Be a role model, I’ve said it over and over, while we may not think our child is listening to what we say, or what we do, or the people we surround ourselves with in our own daily lives, believe me, they do, they are and they most likely want to be just like who you are. Choose wisely, make good decisions, do your best.

  • Be intentional in your conversations with your children, meaning, listen to what they say, their stories mean the world to them and they bring them to you in trust and advice, or, sometimes to just talk with you. Either way, listen with intent, sometimes they aren’t looking for words of wisdom, but for you to listen.

  • Read books about people who are respected, have good character, even ask your children who they think of when you ask them: “Who do you know that has good character?” Build off of this conversation with asking them, why? Great opportunity to discuss what good character means.

  • Watch movies with the same agenda as above, make a character journal and have your child observe the people in your own family, no judgements with this activity, simply bring an awareness to what good character looks like, sounds like and how to change it for the better.

What does good character mean? Here at Characters of Character we believe in good behavior, perseverance, being an honest friend, healthy habits, being polite, being respectful, being responsible, having confidence and self-esteem and being kind and warm-hearted. This is where our nine Characters of Character can offer support to reinforce and teach these important core values in a child. With these traits a child will internalize what they mean, how to become one with them and will build a strong foundation of their own to support the choices they make and the decisions that follow them. While we all hope our own children are filled with goodness, you do know that we need to teach them these traits, right? No instruction books come with a child and they all learn at their own pace, they all comprehend things differently and they usually want to do what please you and makes you proud of them. Let’s teach them well, let’s be role models, let’s be better listeners and let’s make a difference in the life of a child. Our monthly newsletter provides wonderful content for you to support your child’s needs in character development and we also offer tips, content and print outs in our blogs. Feel free to reach out at anytime as we continue to build a firm foundation for our children, who are the leaders of tomorrow. Fall into Good Character!


Mindful Monday Word-Resilience


Mindful Monday-Perhaps