Mindful Monday-Attitude

ATTITUDE, we all have one. Some are good and some are not. This week the word is ‘attitude’ and just what comes to mind for this word to you? Our attitude can set the tone for the entire day when you think about it. For this reason, I am a believer in gratitude to start my day and may times to end the day. With a positive attitude, a good attitude a good vibes only if you will, your entire attitude will shift. It is possible! When we think about our own children’s attitude, is your child’s attitude positive or negative? I can not emphasize enough that our children do watch what we do and are listening to what we say, while it may not seem like it at times. But, our children obviously learn many specific behaviors from parents and guardians first, and also from their peers.

Children who have parents who may yell at them or be overly critical are inclined to model these behaviors, and children whose parents are structured and organized are inclined to be the same as well as children whose parents are empathetic and encouraging in their daily activities are more inclined to be the same. As an adult, you have seen how attitude can change a conversation or situation in our own daily life. Therefore, in my opinion, it’s important to be a role model for children. While life can be stressful, do not take it out on your child, should you have a rotten, no good, terrible day, do not take it out on your child. The best thing to do is to tune your own attitude before you are engaging with your own children. They do feel the stress in your attitude.

I’m not suggesting that you are full of an abundance attitude, one way or the other, life is about balance. However, the more intentional you are with a good attitude, the more your own child will pick up on that attitude. Life is happier with a good attitude, our outlook is happier, our hope is higher and we see things in a better light. I do encourage a good attitude, it is remarkably empowering! What happens if my child has negative thoughts, emotions? It’s always a good idea to ALWAYS be intentional when listening to your children. Their feelings are important to them while it may seem silly to you. Instead, we teach your children to accept negative emotions and process them in a healthy way. We can encourage positive thinking and positive affirmations. A positive attitude is full of gratitude. This may take extra care in some children, but it will help to make a better attitude in your children. Allow them to express themselves in journal writing, through art work or other creative outlets. Let them find their gratitude and create a beautiful attitude.

How can we teach our own children the impact of a good attitude? Below is a template to print out and use with your child to help teach and reinforce a good attitude, it makes a difference! While it’s a fact that we all have good days and bad days, how we handle them matters. Allow your child to express their emotions and feelings when they have a bad day, the important thing is to teach them, show them and allow them to find a solution to how they handle the bad days or situations. Build their confidence and show respect for how they feel. Build respect between you and your child, respect their decisions, but, you can always redirect their choice if you think it’s not the best one, communicate with them, be open to their ideas at all times which will build their confidence, their respect and their trust in you. That is impactful alone!

click here to print out and use as a visual to encourage attitude

Ideas To Help Raise Children to Have a Positive Attitude

  1. YOU are their role model, be sure to give yourself an attitude check

  2. Be aware of your children’s experiences and help them appreciate them

  3. Discourage negative criticism and nagging

  4. Be an example of a good attitude, gratitude and a positive outlook

  5. Teaching your children to be optimistic and grateful, and still realistic at the same time

  6. Teach Your Child to be Optimistic, yet Realistic at the Same Time. ...

  7. Build your child’s confidence and self-esteem

  8. Keep visual reminders to have a good attitude

Using the chart above, encourage your children to have a good attitude. Encourage them to look for the good in life. Yet, teach them to be realistic about the choices they make. We can not hide behind our attitude, we can improve it, our attitude. We can share it, our attitude. We can bring in gratitude by having a good attitude, remember, we all have one, attitude. Let’s make it an attitude of gratitude! I can not emphasize enough that your children do listen to what you say, they do listen to what you do and they most likely want to be just like you when they are grown up. It’s important to be a positive role model for your children, and, to have balance. Not everyone is happy, grateful and uplifting all the time. Remember, your choices, your attitude and how you handle the challenges in life will be seen and heard. By working through them, the challenges of life, you’re showing your own child that you work through them, you don’t give in, you don’t give up, you find a solution for the challenge and carry on with a good attitude.

Having a good attitude helps your child to feel comfortable and communicate with you. If we are critical of the choice they make and bring in criticism into the conversations, they will not find it comfortable to confide and communicate with you. Bring out the best in them and that will bring out the best in YOU! Plus, they come to you for a solution and when they have seen you and hear you resolve a challenge, they will trust you in their dilemma. You take the good, the bad, the ugly and make continue to make lemonade!

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

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20th Mindful Monday Word-Focus