Mindful Monday Word-Courageous

When you think of courage, what comes to mind? Does taking chances encompass courage? Does doing something you thought you would never do encompass courage? One may call it courage or bravery, either way it usually is something that takes you out of your comfort zone. If it’s an uncomfortable conversation, a difficult task or an adventure that you’re just not sure of. Courage isn’t a skill that you’re born with, it’s something that you need to develop and grow into and grow intention and confidence. Our character Self-Esteem Elephant teaches children to be proud of who they are and what they accomplish, what they try to do and to share their talent with others while supporting others, too. This is confidence and what self-esteem looks like to a child’s. A step forward will build courage and confidence! This isn’t something we wake up to and say, “Oh, I am so courageous”, nope, we need to have the mindset to be courageous and confidence in our self that we can do what makes us fearful. Building up self-esteem and confidence takes time, and when you can feel the change in your attitude, when fear takes it’s place at the way side, you know you’re building up the courage to take on your uncomfortable conversation, your different journey, the change that may lay in front of you, BE COURAGEOUS!

One thing my husband and I always say is that we don’t want to sit back and one day say, “gosh, we should have tried, or said, or gone, or did” we truly embrace change with courage. Knowing in the long run that we tried it will make a difference, it will take away the wonder of “what if”……what are you fearful of? Take a leap of faith, be courageous, be confident in your abilities, and build your self-esteem. No regrets is my new motto………..

Suggestions on How to Teach a Child to Be Courageous

  1. Acknowledge their courage

    This may be teaching your child to ride a bike, try a new sport, eat a new food. All of which takes them out of their comfort zone. Being courageous is a step in the right direction, encourage your child to be courageous! New people, places and things can be exciting.

  2. It’s perfectly fine if your child fails at an attempt to be courageous

    Speak to them in confidence and support them to try again, maybe even again, and again

  3. Explain that sometimes you won’t feel ready to try something new

    Even though your child may be fearful to try something new, many times they need an extra boost

    Explain to your child that it might feel scary right now, but, once you try your best at this new endeavor you will feel proud of yourself and build your courage up to try new things over and over again. It’s how we discover things we enjoy.

  4. Be the example for your children

    Being a role model for your child in life is important, share with them that it might be scary at first to try something new, even share a story about something you were not sure of but you did it because you are courageous and what you learned from your own experience

  5. There may be a fine line between pushing your child into doing something and allowing them to feel confident in the task

    When you discuss your feelings and your thoughts with your children, they are more likely to communicate with you how they are feeling or thinking which will give you an opportunity to talk things over and build their courage and confidence


Mindful Monday Word-Hope


Mindful Monday Word-Graceful