4th Mindful Monday Word-Inspire

“If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Graphic by Joni Downey

When you think of the word “INSPIRE” what comes to mind? Do you think about people who have inspired you in your life? Do you think about they way that you inspire others? Do you think about how it would feel to inspire another person, and how, yes, how, not if, you can do this? Have you ever been told that you inspire someone? Have you ever been in a group of people and that one person walks in the room and it lights up?

Personally, I look for things that inspire me to be a better person, things that inspire me to be happy, and people that inspire me and people I would like to inspire, too. Some things that inspire me are sunflowers. They just make me happy! In the springtime I plant a row of sunflowers in our vegetable garden and just admire the simplicity of one seed growing into such a tall, strong, beautiful flower that brings happiness, their seeds feed the birds and squirrels and us! When I was in the classroom I brought in the stem of one as well as the head of the sunflower. We did measuring activities with the stem and counting activities with the seeds, then, we saved the seeds to plant again next spring. Just one beautiful flower to inspire me, affect the classroom and excite them in the activities which we engaged in. That is influence and it motivated me to share the flower that inspires me.

When I think of the people that inspire me in my life, I think about those who love and support who I am, those who bring out the best in me, which affects and influences them. It’s a circle of inspiration for sure! I try to keep a positive attitude in my life and look for the good in people and in myself which again, inspires, affects and influences who I am. When I think of the ways that I inspire others, well, honestly, this isn’t something that crosses my mind naturally, but, I’ve been told by others how they appreciate my kind heart, my listening ears and my creativity and teaching. Since then, I’ve become more intentional about trying to motivate and excite others. The truth is that I believe we all inspire someone and sometimes, we just don’t know it. Try to become more aware of who you are, what your gifts are and how you can, you will and you do inspire others. There are people in our circle who love to share their heart and let you know about the inspirational words you choose, the ways you inspire them and how your inspirations motivate them to do the things they enjoy and hope to accomplish during the day, the week or a lifetime. Be an inspiration…………..

Joni’s sunflower with heart from her garden!

Think inspirational! Ask yourself the basic, who, what, where, when and why. This is actually an eye opener to help you realize just how much and who inspires you!

  • Who inspires you? Why? Does this person or group know that they are inspiring?

  • What inspires you? Why? Is there something that brings you happiness, a book, a craft, a hobby?

  • Where do you go for inspiration? Is there a special spot you can go to for inspiration?

  • When do you find yourself needing inspiration? Inspiration lifts your spirits!

  • Why is it important to be inspired?

Graphic by Jen Downey

Think about the things, the people or the places that inspire you. Print out the worksheet above and dabble in some art or words. Either way, be an inspiration! Let others inspire you and together we’ll make the world a better place while we learn, grow and impact those around us. Do’er Duck is one of the nine Characters of Character which teaches perseverance and to never give up. When I think about inspiration, I also think about people I know and people I learn about who are an inspiration to myself and to others because they never gave up. Can you imagine where you are today without some obstacles and mishaps? You continued on, didn’t you? That right there ins an inspiration! When you’re able to be an inspiration not only to yourself, you’re inspiring others and we all need to be inspired at times. With all my sincerity, I believe that our children model who we are, our habits and how we take on challenges, responsibility and our behaviors. It’s so important to remember this because as you come face to face with an issue, how you handle the situation not only says a lot about your character, it also shows your child a lot about who you are, and after all, the odds are they want to be like you. Perhaps you didn’t get the promotion you had hoped for and worked so hard for, should you throw in the towel, I hope not! Be an inspiration, show others that you’re still going to work towards your desire with dignity and grace. Should you choose to become negative and feel down, that’s not inspiring to yourself or to others. Choices is our first blog of the New Year and I come back to that everyday of my life, in every situation and in every outcome. I hope you choose to be an inspiration, not only for yourself, but, for others. After all, a little progress each day adds up! Go ahead an be an inspiration today!

Use the above print out as a Journal prompt for yourself, classroom or child. Add to it and before you know it, you’re so mindful of the things that inspire you, the people that inspire you and the places you go that inspire you. Hopefully you’ll find some new happiness inside of you and share your inspiration with others!

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn-Benjamin Franklin

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