Mindful Monday Word-Priority

The word priority has a powerful meaning if you were to ask me. As stated above, it means that something or someone is more urgent or important that other things. As adults we find a balance between our prioritizes because we most likely have more than one priority at a time. We seek to find balance between priorities. Most likely everything we do or spend our time with is a priority. However, there is that one thing that needs to be completed first, or, that one person who needs us more so than any other. So, how do you prioritize? Most likely we use a calendar as a reminder that we have a meeting on a certain date. The meeting must be important to have it on the calendar. There are priorities in our everyday life which we have already in place. For example, we find it important to brush our teeth in the morning, therefore, when we awaken, we might take a drink of water, use the washroom, then brush our teeth before we jump in the day. While the odds are that all of our tasks during the day need to be completed, there are some which need our attention first. We figure this out as we grow and ‘adult’. But, how do you teach a child how to prioritize their daily tasks:

Here are a few ideas to help teach your child to prioritize their tasks:

  • Write it down, make a list, perhaps start your day or do the night before, but take a few minutes with your child to write down the things they want to or that they have to get done in that day

  • Help them with this, they may skip over practicing their spelling words which has priority over something else

  • Your guidance will help teach them how some things are more important than other things, as they might think that having desert is more important that a healthy lunch first, keep things on an even keel so that that can understand and internalize these tasks and before you know it, they may prioritize tasks themselves

  • Each day is a new start, new beginnings, new tasks, perhaps display a calendar to help teach them this

  • Playtime is a must, our children need to use their imaginations, let off steam and unleash the beast if you will. By allowing for playtime will help with their own mindset and guide them into being more aware at what needs to be done

  • Allow Play Time

Think about play time as an adult? You might take a much needed vacation, or go on an adventure to help clear your mind. When our minds are clear and our mindset is focused, we are more likely to prioritize our days with more clarity and get things accomplished. A child feels the same way, all work and no play makes for a very long, stressful day. Try this, if I were to say to you;

Put these things in the order that you would prioritize them:

  • Relationships

  • Work

  • Family

  • Vacation

  • Hobbies

  • Travel

  • Volunteering

  • Self-care

  • Living my life purpose

This may be easy for some and difficult for others. Through life, we learn what is more important as we tackle each day. Be a role model for your own children. they are on top of the list of priorities, ALWAYS! Our character Responsible Rabbit helps a child to learn about responsibilities. We are responsible for who we are, what we do, and, the words we choose. Being a responsible person has it’s own rewards, but, to teach a child this can be a challenge. Let Responsible Rabbit help you reinforce this trait! Remember, your child is watching what you do, they are listening to what you say and they most likely want to be just like you! Teach them to prioritize the important people and things in their life, then print out the picture below, put your child’s name on the top line and use as a sticker chart or a journal cover. Just keep the conversation going with your children and the lines of communication will be fulfilled!

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


Who Am I?


Who Am I?