Mindful Monday Word-Responsible

What comes to mind for the word responsible? Is it all the things we do as an adult that we are responsible for? This can become stressful and overwhelming to say the least! Please, remember that you are responsible for you, for your actions, your attitude and for how you feel. Therefore, it’s so important to take time for yourself to find the happiness that lies within, to find the positive attitude, to find the “I can do this” mindset and to put yourself in a good frame of mind in order to see this world through lenses filled with kindness, opportunities and a whole lot of possibilities!

Keep in mind that each step we take towards being responsible helps to raise our self-esteem and intentions when build our relationships with family, friends and co-workers, too. When you choose to be responsible, it seems there is less of a surprise element in our lives because being responsible encompasses so many levels. We know life isn’t always a bowl of cherries and sometimes we wait for the ball to drop, however, when you’re responsible you’re better equipted to handle the changes with a mindset of knowing there is a lesson to be learned, a new opportunity, and the challenge is yours for the taking! Life may not be easy, but, it’s sure worth it! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said, “I don’t want to adult today” until I put my big girl pants on, change my mindset and jump in the day, I continue to surprise myself!

Some ways that I am responsible for who I am are as follows:

  • I know that I am accountable for myself, my attitude and my goals

  • I am on time for calls, meetings and appointments

  • I am working on becoming more organized

  • My emotions are mine alone and I try to keep them in check

  • When I am overwhelmed, I take a step back to regroup my thoughts

  • Being responsible allows me to choose how to spend my time

Being a responsible adult takes some skill set, therefore, I do set goals, practice my breathing for self control, I do my best to stay persistent, I am better at listening to others and respect their opinion, I avoid negativity and I take ownership in the choices that I make. I learn from my errors and work on growing myself on a daily basis. This is part of being a responsible person.

How can we teach our children to be responsible?

  1. Teach your child that they are responsible for the mess they make.

    If it’s cleaning up their room, putting their dishes in the sink or helping with a spill they may have had. It’s exhausing for you if you are the one always cleaning up after your child or others! Allow them to be responsible for their messes!

  2. Allow your child to help with chores, groceries or baking in the kitchen.

    By allowing our children to participate in activities not only teaches them how to do them, it allows us to show them the proper way that things need be done. By making mistakes we can learn from them so that the next time we can do it better.

  3. Be consistent.

    Make a schedule and stick to it. Bedtime, homework, etc. When your child is familiar for these time slots they know that they have to abide by them, making them responsible. Also, be consistent, if you say that there is no desert until you finish dinner, abide by that. If you say no to something, stick to it or you’ll find your child asking again, and again, and again knowing that you’ll say yes! Now, remember there is the old cliche’ that rules are meant to be broken, just not all the time.

  4. Be unconditional

    Be there for your child in good times and bad. Don’t blame them, redirect them. Encourage them to be the best they can be, they are full of potentioal!

  5. Be a role model!

    Our children are watching what we do, listening to what we say and although you may not think so, it’s true. They will pick up on your habits, gestures and how you handle life. Be mindful of that.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

Responsible Rabbit is one of nine Characters of Character. Click here for a responsibility check list. Click here for the Resonsibility chart. Click here to purchase the Resource Book. Responsible Rabbit Bulletin Boards and Posters book available here.


Scouts For The Ages


Mindful Monday Word-Progress