Reading Builds Character

I think that we can all agree that reading builds character! I think we can also agree that reading to your child is influential, and that reading with your child is impactful and beneficial. I’ll be honest, I’m not much of a reader, but, I do love reading to children. I read to our children every night as a bedtime routine and loved reading books as a teaching assistant and a preschool teacher. I just never took time out for myself to read, other than a magazine or craft book, however, I always take time to write, to draw, to paint and to create art! I do have some words of wisdom as a parent, and teacher on the Reading Team that I learned myself. Here you go:

  • Find books that are of interest to your child. What hobbies or interests do they have? Build off of this because when they are interested in something they will engage more, grow and learn more.

  • Encourage them to read. Take visits to the library, online or stores to find books of interest for your child.

  • Build a wall! Yes, build a wall! In school we called it a word wall, at home call it (insert child’s name) wall. Add words of interest, words that start with the letters in their name, words that make them laugh, words that make them wonder. Build that wall!

  • Create a space that’s comfortable for you and your child to read, read, read! If they love animals, find animal pillows, blankets and rugs if you’re able to and make a comfy spot where they will want to just melt in and read.

  • Build a routine to read at bedtime, or after school, after a bath, before the day begins or after the day is done. Fit it into your routine and include your child.

  • Perhaps you’re going on a vacation or new location. Find books on this!

  • Perhaps you’re welcoming in a new member of the family. Find books on this!

  • Perhaps a How To book, there are books on that!

  • Perhaps you forgot to have fun, to laugh, to enjoy the moments of life. There probably aren’t books on this, it’s up to you! Find those moments and embrace the time with your child, it’s time well spent. (all my opinion and experience)

    I can promise you that when you spend time with a child you are learning from them, too! While you think that you’re the teacher leading the way, think again! Our children teach us so much. They teach us unconditional love, they teach us to explore, they teach us to learn and grow, too. I hope you’ll take time out of your busy life and encourage your own child to read. As I speak for myself, I’m a visual person, hands on if you will learner. When I see something I like, it interests me and I want to learn more about it, what it means, how to make it, bake it or paint it! There are books on that!! We recently designed Composition books that are colorful and will open a conversation about what the character means. Here’s an opportunity to talk about what good behavior is, what it means to be a friend, what healthy habits are, how to persevere, what good manners are, what it means to be responsible, what it means to have self-esteem, what it means to be kind and what it means to be respectful. Guess what? There are books on that! Learn more about Characters of Character here.

It’s important to build confidence and self esteem in our children, encourage them in activities they thrive in. Encourage them in activities they struggle with to improve. When a child feels proud of their accomplishments they will continue to try, to learn and to explore their interests!

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


National Children’s Good Manners Month


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