Sparkles Should Be Shared
Respectful Rabbit suggests this:
First, always be a role model for your child, as much as you doubt that they are watching you let alone listening to what you have to say, do not doubt this because they are! Your words are heard and your actions are seen and the odds are your child mimics who you are. Step back every now and again and see yourself from your child’s point of view. When you speak to your child is it in a demanding tone or are you using a voice that can be heard? Try not to ‘demand’ but instead tell your child, teach your child and involve your child. This is respect.
Second, the way you treat others is most likely how you yourself will be treated. Treat other with respect and you in turn will be respected. Think about your reaction when a friend shares their happiness with an award or accomplishment. Is your reaction negative? Meaning do you use belittling words such as, “really, I thought so and so did a much better job” kind of attitude? You’re taking away their sprinkles! Respect their award or accomplishment and be encouraging towards it. By all means your thoughts are yours, but yours alone. Do not use negativity in your response. Your child sees this behavior and hears these words. Add to their sprinkles!
In the words of Respectful Rabbit; “Your words become your actions, your actions become your habits and your habits become your character”
Our children may not understand our words or our actions, but they will certainly mimic them which will become a part of who they are. While it may be cute when they are little, as they mature it is not. I can still remember the first time I swore in front of our son, you bet he took that word with him everywhere we went! Lesson learned. It’s important to discuss with our children what our expectations are in life for them in a way that they will understand. It’s truly okay to have a reward system in place to encourage your child in better behaviors, to try harder and to be respectful. When a child understands the meaning, they will internalize it and it will become a part of who they are. Being respectful to oneself is of utmost importance, however being respectful to others has merit, too.
Personally, when you respect who you are, I feel that you’re more confident in who you are which helps build a strong foundation to your self learning, self awareness and who you want to be and what you yourself need to work on to become that person. When you are respectful, your behaviors are better and you understand the consequences of poor behaviors vs. good behaviors. Plus, when you are respectful to others, they in turn are respectful to you. Here is a printout for you to use with your child if you so desire. Here is another one! Use as a sticker chart if you want! We have a Youtube channel with lots of lessons and ways to teach and reinforce good character with your children. We’re here for YOU!
TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin