Welcome 2023
“May your character be out of this world in 2023!”
Use it for others to see and impact 2023!
As so many focus on resolutions for the New Year, I’ll share mine. I will take it one day at a time. I will remind myself often that I AM where I AM suppose to be. I will do the best I can with what I have and where I AM this year. Wishing you a 2023 that is meant to be!
My words of wisdom to you this day is to not beat yourself up if you find yourself neglecting your resolutions. It’s like making a huge commitment to yourself! And, while commitments are important, it takes a lot of courage, a lot of strength and a lot of focus to bring your commitment to the forefront. Take it one day at a time, don’t forget about your commitment by any means. Should you find yourself neglecting it or them, start again. The nice thing about our day to day living is that we can try again, and it’s more than okay to do so!
TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin