Superhero Character Building Kits

  • Relatable: Children accept our Characters visually just as they would their favorite cartoon character

    Understanding: Children learn about the Character’ actions through stories, art activities, discussions, and teachings

    Comprehension: Children mark the connection between the Characters and the traits they represent

    Internalize: Children begin to enhance their own character traits and make better decisions once the correlation between Character and trait is established

    Reinforce: Children are surrounded by positive reinforcements, encouraging them to continuously make good decisions at home, in school, and everywhere in between

  • The hospital can be a scary place, no matter what reason a child is there or for how long. Our Superhero Character Building Kits provide a creative outlet for the children to keep their mind busy while instilling positive character attributes that they can bring with them into the real world.

    With the pandemic, the need for our Superhero Character Building Kits became even more significant. Our Kits were created for individual use - so there is no cross contamination. We provide all the materials needed, including art supplies.

  • Our Superhero Character Building Kits were also designed with hospitals in mind. They're packaged in a colorful, fun, and visually engaging box for the child to have as an additional positive reinforcement while also being designed for easy storage at the hospital.

    Each kit includes everything the child needs to complete their activities so there is no cross-contamination of germs. We also wrap any materials (i.e. masks) in plastic to follow guidelines. The kits are assembled and packaged in a clean & safe environment.

Ways To Support This Project.

  • Donate

    Monetary donations are an important part of allowing us to have a successful project. A large portion of our costs go towards custom printing for the boxes and materials inside. We are also able to get materials on sites that are less expensive than our Amazon Wishlist, which means we can make your donation stretch a little bit further and fulfill more kits. Donate using the link below or you can donate to our Facebook Fundraiser here.

  • Sharing is Caring

    Word of mouth is a powerful tool! Even if you are unable to make a monetary donation, one of your family members or friends may be able to - or even know someone who may be able to support this project. Simply sharing our Facebook Fundraiser (where we post updates, too!) is incredibly helpful.

  • In-Kind Donation

    We understand that some people choose to help with an in-kind donation. That’s why we created an Amazon Wishlist just for this project!

    You do need to be logged into Amazon to view our Wishlist (their rules, not ours - sorry!).

Click the image to view on Amazon.

All orders before 8.31.22 or we reach our goal will go directly to this project. After 8.31.22 proceeds will go towards our mission of building a firm foundation for children to develop strong civic values.

All orders before 8.31.22 or we reach our goal will go directly to this project. After 8.31.22 proceeds will go towards our mission of building a firm foundation for children to develop strong civic values.