10 Tips to Be A Super Student

Ms. Joni sharing tips to be a super student with the Nashville Predators support of our Superhero Activity Box donations to Children’s Hospitals! Responsible Rabbit teaches our children to be responsible for their own attitude, choices and that they are responsible for many things in their daily life. It may be chores at home, projects to complete at school or as simple as brushing their own teeth! Teaching responsibility is important for a child to learn at an early age as they grow into their adult life. After all, a parent or guardian is not always able to be at their side every minute, therefore, providing your child a firm foundation is important. They will soar, they will fail, but, teaching them to get back up is what’s important. My favorite quote from Benjamin Franklin:

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I learn, INVOLVE me and I remember. For me, these words speak volumes, I’ve witnessed this, I’ve seen this and I have felt this.

Our books are available on Amazon, at Books-A-Million and also at Barnes & Noble. Each character has a social story, a resource book filled with activities, templates and ideas to help teach and reinforce their trait and even bulletin boards to engage your own family or students in the trait. If you shop Amazon, please choose Characters of Character as your nonprofit and they will donate a percentage of your sale to our organization, cost you zero! Just one way to support our work as we continue to make a difference in the life of a child.


Gratitude Reminder


8th Mindful Monday Word-Intentional