13th Mindful Monday Word-Brave

Be Brave. How many times have you heard that? As a child, being brave can be very scary. It means that you’re stepping out of your comfort zone doing something that scares you and you’re not sure about. As an adult, we come to know that being brave and stepping out of our comfort zone will propel us forward, help us learn, help us to grow and that there is a lesson in there somewhere. A lesson on bravery means you took a chance on something new not knowing what the outcome would be. But, once you did it, you can look back and know just how brave you were!

Just a few years ago I attended my first event called Turning Point. I went into this event completely blind, not knowing what to expect, what lies ahead or what the end result would be. I trusted my friend Tina who had asked to go on this adventure with her. She sees something in me that I had no idea even existed! She kept thanking me for trusting her to come to this event, which turned out to be the Turning Point of my life! It was an event filled with workshops and other like minded people who wanted to become a better version of themself, to learn and to grow. While there were days of table talk, meeting new people from around the world and finding about who you really are. There was also an obstacle course to take you out of your comfort zone to prove to yourself that you are indeed brave. Well, buckle up, because being brave was one of the nice words to describe what lied ahead!

The first thing we did was form a team, this team supported you every step of the way, encouraged you and cheered you on. We began walking to our starting point for the obstacle course, and before your knew it I was buckled and anchored in a harness and putting on a hard hat! Brave! Oh, I had a few more choice words to describe what I was feeling! Then we had to climb up this platform of stairs from which we would Zip Line from! What! As I stood on this 65 foot tall platform looking down, a few new words came to mind, none of which were brave!! I had my new adventure buddy Gary saying, “come on Joni, you can do it” and the team from the other end saying the same. There really was no turning back, it would mean I couldn’t face my fear, and was a quitter. So, I said, “Lord be with me” and I jumped! There I was hunched in a ball as the rope took me the other end of a new, even higher platform! The guide at the end laughed and said, “Joni, I’ve never seen a funnier face as you approached me” that was comforting! Now even higher up, we had to do it again to get to the next level which we walked across planks to get to the other side as we continued to climb up proving to ourselves that we are brave, to step out of our comfort zone and that we could do this! As you can imagine, I was thinking I could care less how brave I am, or to step out of my comfort zone all the while with a team of amazing, supportive people cheering me on! All while doing this, I truly wanted to say; “you guys are crazy” look at what we’re doing and I need to go change my bloomers! The weather was changing, a storm was rolling in, the thunder was rolling and here I am, on top of this platform that held two people, wrapped around this tree that was almost touching the clouds! Now what! Oh, I forgot, I’m brave!! Due to the weather, the guide now needed to physically tandem us to him and carry us down! I didn’t know to laugh or cry or what!? A stranger, face to face, a gazillion feet up in the air, thunder rolling and this rope is going to take us to the ground? Well, I introduce myself cause I feel we’re like close friends now! The team of amazing people have left to find shelter, but, I did have Alice on the platform with me who encouraged me to no end! I finally composed myself, embraced my guide as we propelled down the platform, bouncing off the pole seeking the ground. When we hit the ground, I went to kiss it and another guide was there shouting, “come on we have to go, it’s not safe out here!” Needless to say, I made it, I did it, and I AM BRAVE!

Graphic by Jen Downey Click HERE to print out

How do you teach a child to be brave? Self-Esteem Elephant has a few suggestions to help teach a child to be brave:

  1. Be a role model.

  2. With encouragement, your child can be brave.

  3. Reinforce the fact that they will be safe, being brave will help them grow.

  4. Perhaps start out small being brave, like trying a new food, learning a new skill and allowing your child all the feels of being brave.

  5. Let them know that it’s fine if you try something and it doesn’t work out. Allow them to think about what they could do different next time and let them try again.

  6. Brag on their bravery! Even if it didn’t turn out how you expected, at least they tried, that is being brave.

  7. Share something that you did that was brave that they can relate to.

Self-Esteem Elephant is one of the nine Characters of Character teaching our children social and emotional skills. There is a Resource Book available here or a Bulletin Board and Poster book available here and even a social story called, Let’s Be Proud available here. As an adult, we already are aware that being brave takes courage, encouragement and sometimes a lot of tries, don’t give up on your child, allow them to try as many times as they need as they will become braver at each try. When a child is confident they are more apt to be brave. This is our Affirmation activity book. This is our Superhero activity book. Characters of Character is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization whose mission is to provide a firm foundation for children to establish strong civic values. We hope you’ll visit us online to learn more about our projects. Your support is appreciated. Click here to donate.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


National Pencil Day


12th Mindful Monday Word-Compassion