19th Mindful Monday Word-Presence

For this Mindful Monday word, we chose “Presence.” We live in a world full of distractions, and that can make it difficult to feel fully present. Presence is a great theme for the year because it sets the intention of showing up for yourself and for others in all the big and small moments of your life. When you are present, you become more aware of what your surroundings are, the people who are around you and the conversations at hand. I know for myself, when I am NOT present, I’m doing dishes, my mind is wandering, or just doing busy work, I’m not present. That’s not a good thing! When our daughter was younger, and, I was not present, not paying full attention, not even completely aware of the conversation as I was doing something? I answered her as she had asked if she could stay late at a friends house, then, when she was late getting home, I PANICKED! When did come home, my first reaction was to ground her, then, come to find out, she did ask, it was me. From that day on, I made sure to be present in conversations! It has made a big difference in my life, and in others.

How do you teach a child to be present? They are always on the move! They are always onto the next adventure! Characters of Character does have a few ideas to support this:

  • Be sure to make eye contact with your child during conversations, this shows respect and shows you have their attention and they have yours.

  • Teach them to stay focused on the activity, see it through to the completion, if it’s a daily activity or a weekly one, finish what you start.

  • Teach them to be intentional, to be observant of their surroundings, knowing what the environment holds where they are.

  • Remind them to follow the rules, make sure the rules are clear, no questions to what the rules are.

  • Be a role model for them, show that you are present, you are listening, you hear what has been said and what is being discussed.

We know as an adult, that when you are not present, there may be consequences. You may have missed the importance of a story, or the punch line of a joke. Or, that your child is coming home late! Easier said than done, but, work on being present in daily life, daily conversations, and in your relationships with others. So many times they are counting on you, your advice, your reaction or your support. Therefore, know what the conversation is so that you can be the best you can be for others, and for yourself. Below is a template to print out for you to do with your child(ren). By teaching them to be present, you’re keeping them safe.

Our character Respectful Rabbit would like to know how you are present at home? By teaching them to be present, you’re teaching them to be respectful.

Our character Friendship Frog would like to know how you are present with your friends? By teaching them to be present, you’re teaching them to build strong friendships.

Our character Behavior Bear would like to know how you are present in class? Are you listening to the instructions? When you have good behavior, you’ll hear the lesson, what is expected from you in the activity being taught.

Why is being present important? You’re teaching your child(ren) the importance of being present, the bigger picture to opportunity, to build lasting relationships, for growth and for the knowledge of knowing what the lesson is. When was the last time you were truly present in a conversation, at home or work?


Tips and Activities To Teach Good Behavior

