
What exactly does mindfulness even mean?

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. When I googled the word mindfulness this is what showed up, and actually I feel that mindful means being aware, in tune to what is happening within your thoughts, your feelings and your surroundings. However, not everyone is in tune to this. I think that if we were there would be a lot more kindness going around, a lot less bullying happening and there would be more peace around us. The above graphic made me think of the old cliche’ “food for thought” and when you stop to reflect on it, what you feed your mind becomes your thoughts. What you feed your soul, you become. Therefore, in short, it’s important to be mindful……

How can someone become mindful? These are my ideas, it’s how I think and how I become more mindful in my own life.

  • Stop being busy! When you’re busy, are you being productive, or just filling in time? The days tend to become hectic when you’re working and raising a family, chasing your dreams and leaning into the day. I’ve learned to become much more mindful on how I spend my time. Is what I’m doing adding value to my growth? Is it adding value to those around me? Is it resolving an issue? There is a difference between being being busy and being mindful. When you are mindful, you’re aware of those around you and who you are impacting.

  • Become aware! When you’re aware of those around you, you tend to listen more and build a relationship which could last a lifetime.

  • Be patient! I’ve learned that when you try to rush the process, you’re missing the lesson, the journey. Life unfolds when it’s meant to. If you try to hurry an adventure, the odds are you’re going to miss some important lessons. If you’re not ready to climb that mountain, no matter how good your shoes are, or how in shape you think your body is, if you’re not ready, you’re not going to conquer the climb.

  • Don’t be judgmental! Each and every one of us have things we’re dealing with that another person may know nothing about. Therefore, don’t point fingers, don’t judge and do not pretend you have the answer! Each situation is different than the next.

  • Learn to relax! How you ask? Breathing is a good place to start. Taking big breaths in and slowly exhaling, calms your spirit. Meditation also is a form of relaxing. When we are more relaxed we are less likely to ‘fly off the handle’ and we see people and things in a different light.

How can we teach our children to be mindful? Let’s begin by allowing them to be mindful of their own-self. Bring attention to healthy habits. Remember, a healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. Building healthy habits is important at any age! Work on being present with your own child. Should you notice they are anxious, share breathing exercise to calm them. Share ideas to calm them through stories, art, play, etc. When our children are mindful of their emotions, their habits, their surroundings and the people around them, you’re on a good path to being mindful. Not to mention, your own children and others for that matter, other children and adults are listening to what you have to say, what your reactions are in situations, and probably look up to you. You are a role model. When you are mindful of this alone, you become more mindful of the words you choose, the people you surround yourself with and the habit you build. Healthy Hippo is mindful of building healthy habits! Let’s Be Healthy is available here. Healthy Hippo Resource Book is available here. Healthy Hippo Bulletin Board and Posters book is available here. Let’s Shape Up with Healthy Hippo is available here.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

As a parent and an educator, this is one of my favorite quotes which just speak such truth to me. Please, read it again! As we speak of Mindfulness, I thought I’d share our blog posts by their mindful word of the week below. There is a free resource in each one for you to work on for yourself, or with your children and students. Being mindful truly makes a difference in our attitudes and how we carry on with our day, our week and our lives. This world can be tough, but, so are you, let’s make it better-TOGETHER!

Blog posts for Accomplish, for Balance, for Possibilities, for Purpose, for Peaceful, for Brave, for Compassion, for Manners, for Limitless, for Compassion, for Intentional for Honesty, for Growth, for Adventure, for Inspire, for Abundant, for Determined, and for Choices.

Characters of Character is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization whose mission is to provide a firm foundation for children to establish strong civic values. If you would like to support our cause, please learn more here, or perhaps you’d like to donate from our Wish List on Target or on Amazon. Your support helps us continue to make a difference in the life of a child. Thank you.

Graphic by Jen Downey


19th Mindful Monday Word-Presence


18th Mindful Monday-Word-Accomplish