Are you struggling with being responsible? 10 Tips to be a Super Student!

We all struggle time and time again, lucky are those who don’t. Or, are they. My grandma always said that my husband and I would do fine in life because we struggled through many chapters of life. She was right! through our struggles we not only grew as a couple, we grew into better individuals, into better character if you will. While in life it may seem the best thing to do is to take the easy way out, however, it’s not teaching us to be responsible. To know right from wrong or good from bad. As an adult we learned how to make better choices, the good feeling that overcomes us knowing we did the right thing, chose good over bad. But, as a child, how does one teach a child to internalize what it means to be responsible? How does one teach a child that doing the right thing is a better choice? Or, how does one teach a child that when you fall, to get back up?

Tips To Teach Responsibility

  • Be a role model for your child, your students and those you encounter. This says a lot about your character

  • Provide a routine and structure for your children or students, they learn life skills in repetition, like chores, cleaning up after themselves, even brushing their teeth

  • Allow your child to help you with tasks at hand, if you’re baking, shopping, gardening, etc. let them chip in, again, building life skills for a more responsible adult

  • Allow them to mess up, so long as you correct them in a loving manner, they will want to try the task again, if you bark at them, they will want to hide

  • Use examples for your child, all children learn differently, some are visual, some are tactile, some are readers, become aware on how to engage your child


When a child understands what it means to be responsible, the struggles become less. It’s important as an adult to remember that you’re the teacher, you are teaching your child(ren) what it looks like to be responsible, what is sounds like to be responsible, what it feels like to be responsible and that there are consequences when you are not responsible. Just like you, the adult, if you’re late to a meeting, there are consequences, when you’re not up to task on laundry, it piles up and takes more time, you get the picture. So, teaching a child to be responsible is an important trait to be taught. Responsible Rabbit would love to be a part of the process. There are books on Amazon, one is titled, “Let’s Be Responsible” there are a lot of videos on our YouTube Chanel to help engage and discuss being responsible and the other nine traits that are the Characters of Character.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


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