Fall Into Good Character-Good Behaviors

Have you met Behavior Bear? This is one of the nine Characters of Character who have impacted thousand of children and helped build a firm foundation for our children to build up on. How many times have you said to your child; “Behave?” Me, quite a few when our kids were little. Now, I often wonder what the heck I was thinking! I mean after all, when you tell a child something, you need to explain it, model it and be open to a lot of questions. I just took for granted that our kids knew what it meant, to behave when they went to a friends house, or attended an event or visited family. They knew our house rules and what was expected of them, but, looking back I could have explained it much better.

Here are some tips from Behavior Bear to help teach or reinforce in your own children or classroom what it means to BEHAVE at home:

  • Be a good listener

  • Use an inside voice

  • Do not throw temper tantrums (redirect your child if this happens)

  • Be kind to your siblings and family pets

  • Know the house rules and abide by them

Here are some tips from Behavior Bear to help teach or reinforce in your own children or classroom what it means to BEHAVE at school:

Not ‘IF’ but, ‘WHEN’ your child or student has good behavior, reward them, encourage them to keep up the good work! Print out this certificate of achievement from Behavior Bear to help get you started. YOU are NOT spoiling a child with encouragement by any means. I had many ways to encourage our kids while they were growing up. While each of them had their own personalities, it was up to my husband and I to recognize what sparked them. When a child has difficulty with a task, project or new environment, its really very important to help them feel comfortable to come to you with any questions or concerns that they may have. For example, if your child is struggling with their spelling words, find a creative way to help them study them, learn them and encourage them to keep doing so. If they pass their spelling test during the week, reward them, this only encourages them to keep trying, to learn and to keep growing. That is NOT spoiling them. Think about how you feel when you are encouraged? You don’t shut down. You don’t quit or stop trying, do you? Children need encouragement and to understand what your expectations are in all situations. So, encourage them! Be their role model and allow them to internalize the feeling of your approval for a job well done. It’s important to not just point out the bad choices that are made, but instead, point out the good choices. This puts a bounce in their step, a smile on their face and happiness all around!

Each of the Characters of Character have a Resource Book filled with templates, suggestions and ideas to help teach and reinforce their character trait. Behavior Bear can be found here. There is also a Bulletin Board and Posters Book for you to teach this trait and is available here. Let’s Behave social story is available here. A small investment for a lifetime of learning! Remember that your children or students look up to you, you are their role model, they are listening to what you say, they are watching what you do and how you engage with others. Make good choices.

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TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

Fall In To Good Behavior with Behavior Bear and the Characters of Character!


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