Mindful Monday Word-Labor

“Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. The three-day weekend it falls on is called Labor Day Weekend.”

Pencil in time to rest if you must, just don’t you quit! As with hard labor, the results are always commendable. However, in order to get to the end of a task, a project, a job, etc. we labor, and it’s hard. Take this Labor Day weekend to remember to rest, it’s important and should be a part of your daily routine.

I think we’ve all heard the old cliche’

“If mama ain’t happy, nobody is happy” and there is truth to that! Think about this, when you’re exhausted, tired, need some rest and relaxation, your body is telling you this out loud! You’re probably quite crabby! It’s no fault of your own, the world is hectic, life is hard and it seems so many times that there are not enough hours in a day.

If you’re like me, you look for signs. Signs to move forward, to not go there, your gut feeling if you will. Your body also gives you signs when you need to stop to rest. When you have a cold or the flu, you stop, you rest your body to heal it. Well, when we have labored hard, our body, mind and spirit needs rest just the same, to heal. To move forward, to carry on. We know that when we are not our best, we don’t give our best to those who need us the most. Our spouse, our children, our co-workers, etc. Don’t go so long that the signs of your body about to collapse is the only way you’ll stop the labor, push to meet deadlines and meet an overwhelming schedule. UNPLUG!

It’s important to take care of yourself, it’s not selfish, it’s a MUST! Here are some suggestions to heal your body and your mind so you get back in the game of life! Maintaining good health is vital to keep up with daily tasks.

It truly does not matter what your schedule looks like, your daily tasks and deadlines to meet, what does matter is that you take care of YOU, here’s why:

Rest Heals Your Body 

Even if you rest for a few moments, you will offer your body a refresh to keep on going to finish the task, your day. We are all individuals and our need to rest, the time it takes to heal will vary. When we don’t sleep well, feel angry, stressed or anxious, we may need more breaks. Take them! The purpose of rest is to heal our body before the hole is so deep we can’t climb back up. Rest will boost your mood, creativity, productivity, reduce stress and strengthen your relationships. REST if you must, just don’t you quit!

Rest Boosts Creativity

I wonder if you knew that when you take time to rest and relax that you naturally become more creative? With quiet moments you will inspire your creative mind to reflect upon what makes you happy. With proper rest you will open up your mind and even have clarity to resolve some issues that need to be addressed.

Rest Reduces Stress

Who amongst us is not stressed? Life is stressful, family, work, commitments, etc. Stress does awful things to our body and to our mind. Stress also supresses our immune system which is vital to staying healthy. Find a stress release that is healthy to help you balance out your day. This can be to journal, talk with your spouse or friend, induldge in a hobby, sing, dance, write, paint, etc. This will help you to carry one, remember, rest if you must, but don’t you quit!

Rest Improves Productivity 

How many times has your brain shut down, become less clear and and functional? Our brain is a muschle that needs rest, too. Try to take time off and allow your brain to rest, set aside a day to unplug. this will improve your productivity and help you feel a greater sense of accomplishment and to keep on going! Rest if you must, but don’t you quit!

Rest Enhances Decision Making 

I recently read and really do agree with the term "sleep on it" as being accurate because rest improves your ability to make decisions. Have you ever experienced a brain freeze, a road block if you will? Rest your brain which allows you to refresh and take the task on with a fresh perspective and hopefully make a better decision.

Some ways I find to rest and rejuvenate my mind are as follows:

  • Have a mindful mindset, practice gratitude

Take time out each morning, evening or afternoon to remind yourself to focus on what you are grateful for, start with the little things, they mean the most in my book.

  • Just breathe

When I find myself overwhelmed, confused or stressed, I just breathe. I take in all the goodness through a deep breath and release all the icky, slowly. Sometimes I may do this A LOT, until I can feel my calm self emerge.

  • Healthy Habits are important

  • Healthy habits help to improve your mood! Take a walk, stretch, journal, take in that deep breathing when you need to, be mindful as it is essential to have a balanced self. These help improve your physical, emotional and even your mental health

Remember, YOU are important. Rest, but don’t you quit! Characters of Character wants you to be the best you can be so you can make a difference.

Which one of the nine Characters of Character perseveres? Do’er Duck! This character says to never give up, rest if you must, but, don’t you quit! Click here for a Do’er Duck Certificate of Achievement for your child, yourself or a friend. Remember, Rest if you must, but, don’t you quit. Have a safe Holiday Weekend.

TEACH me and I forget, TELL me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


Fall Into Good Character-Good Behaviors


Respect Yourself and Others