Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is at the end of this month of October! A fun favorite for so many children. I for one have fond memories of Trick-or-Treating with my friends when I was younger. We got to wear our costume to school that day and had a fun celebration in our classroom. Then, Trick-or-treating would start around 3:00 so we left school and started right away! We were already dressed for it! We would Trick-or-Treat to our homes to check in and empty out our bag of candy to go out some more. Times were different then, some communities have Trunk-or-Treat, or celebrations at their local churches or community centers where the kids don’t actually go out and knock on the doors in the neighborhood. However you celebrate the fun day, it’s important to communicate with your children the safety tips before hand.
Halloween Safety Tips
Be clear on the rules and communicate with your children the importance of Halloween Safety.
Reinforce with your children to stay with their friends while out and about.
Reinforce with your children to cross only at corners.
Reinforce with your children to stay on the sidewalk or path, don’t run off ahead of the group.
Have a charged cell phone for emergencies.
Reinforce eye contact with the homeowner or candy giver.
Reinforce polite words.
Assure your child they can have candy when they get home and not to eat it before then so you can check it out.
Bring a flash light.
Use reflective tape on the outside clothing of your children. DO NOT put their name on it.
Trick-or-Treating is a lot of fun for the kids, let them have fun, but, help them be safe as well. An older sibling or adult leading the group is a good idea if you do go out. Happy Halloween!
Discuss with your children the importance of having good character, even on Halloween! Click here for coloring pages to use as just that, or as a Journal cover or even a sticker chart. I always appreciated when the children said, “thank you” after putting candy in their Trick-or-Treat bags. Even the older ones! Manners and good character never go out of style!
TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin
We’ve had children dress as our characters through the years, this is just one of them! Do’er Duck original!