How YOU Make a Difference

Have we met? If you know me, you know that I believe our children need positive role models, that they look up to YOU, that they are listening to what you say, how you react, how you interact and are modeling your very own behaviors. Let’s teach them well. Let’s teach them to be responsible for the choices they make so that as they grow into a responsible youth and adult. Let’s teach them that their behaviors are impactful and with good behavior they will learn more because they are listening. Let’s teach them to like who they are and to be a friend, to mind their manners, to have healthy habits, to be respectful of not only themself but of others, and let’s teach them to never give up and to be kind. How? First, be a role model, second, introduce them to the Characters of Character! Above you’ll meet Behavior Bear, Do’er Duck, Friendship Frog, Healthy Hippo, Manners Monkey, Respectful Rabbit, Responsible Rabbit, Self-Esteem Elephant and Warm-Hearted Walrus. Believe me when I say that your children are watching who YOU are and want to become just like YOU!

How can I be a better role model for my child?

  • Be a better listener

    Your child has feelings, what may not seem important to you, means the world to them. When we tune into what they have to say will allow us to listen to what they are feeling, what is important to them, this builds trust.

  • Tune into their interests

    By tuning in to their interests builds not only builds more communication between you and them, it also allows you to direct them in the direction you think is best for them, meaning: If they like to dance, why are they in the Chess Club? Or, if they like to kick the ball around in soccer, why are they in painting class? Keep in mind that there is balance, introduce them to different activities, but, try to tune into their interests which they will build a strong foundation upon.

  • Be intentional on your teachings

    When we are aware of our childs interests, we can go to the Library and find books they will more likely engage in, articles they would like to read, movies they would like to see, people they would like to meet and even places they would like to go! If you’re bored, are you interested in the topic at hand? Your child feels the same way. When you find their interests, you’ll find their passion and you better buckle up as they want to learn and grow and reach for the sky!

  • Build a strong foundation

    When you are a positive role model, when your child finds trust in your relationship, you are building a strong foundation for them to build upon. As a parent or guardian, we need to find balance, the balance between not always nagging or preaching, but, to build trust and better communication between our child. With this, you are building a strong foundation and they will build off of what you lay before them.

  • Allow failures

    Failure, not a word that makes us feel good by any means, however, by allowing your child to fail will allow you to show them a better direction. There is always a lesson in our failures, show your child the solution to the circumstance. Not a tantrum, not shutting down, but finding a way to discover a better way to resolve things.

  • Be a kid again

    Adulting is hard! When was the last time you laid on the floor or at the table to color, draw or paint with your child? How about write a note, a letter or send a handwritten card to a loved one? Get creative! Let loose! Be a kid again! Go outside and draw with chalk, take a walk, fly a kite or ride a bike with your child! Go pick wild flowers, drink from the hose, splash in puddles, count the stars! The days are long but the years are short, believe me! Try not to miss an opportunity to be a kid again with your child, yes, they look upto for guidance, advice, directions. But, remember, you were young once, too and they would love to see the kid in you, you’ll build memories and create laughter. This builds trust and a whole new way to communicate with your child.

  • Always have guidelines

    It’s important to have guidelines for a child. You can’t allow them to skip brushing their teeth one night because they’re to tired, you’re teaching them healthy habits. Stay on course! With guidelines and structure your child will internalize and come to terms that chores are part of the day, that homework is important, that the ‘rules’ are put in place for a good reason. Discuss what your rules, your guidelines, your expectations are in all situations and your child will embrace and understand them much better.

Nobody said it would be easy, but, it’s worth it! There is no greater gift than a child, YOU make a difference in the way they learn, the way they speak, the way they become who they are and who they are meant to be. Listen, be there and pick them up, encourage them and engage them to be the best they can be. Will you make mistakes, yes. You’re human, cut yourself some slack. When we do the best we can, we’re doing the best we can. YOU make a difference.

Our newsletters offer resources for you to use with your children to empower them, to engage them and to make a positive impact, helping them to make better choices in their daily activities. Our Youtube Chanel offers engaging activities, too! If you’re looking for something to help teach or reinforce a trait in your child, please contact us anytime. We’re here to support YOU!

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


Gratitude is Everything


Mindful Monday Word-Embrace