Mindful Monday Word-Embrace

The definition of embrace is to hug, eagerly accept, or to be serious about starting something new. An example of embrace is when a mother hugs her child. An example of embrace is to be excited about a new job. There is nothing better than a sincere hug from someone you love, a dear friend and many times, a stranger. However, when I think of embrace, I think of it in a different way, perhaps as we age we see things differently? Embrace to me means a few different things, the first of course is a welcomed hug, then, to embrace the lesson. I feel that all our trials and tribulations have a meaning in them, it’s up to us to figure out what they are. With all my heart I do believe that there are lessons in everything we are challenged with and in what we do. The good, the bad, the ugly, but, there is a lesson to be learned in each. So, embrace them.

I’ll share a story that about a month ago my daughter and I were in a car accident, totaled her car, but we are fine and the other person as well is fine. We were leaving a meeting in Nashville headed to a town to check out a property. That’s when it happened. So, I said to myself, “Joni, I don’t think you’re meant to be in that little town” and we embraced being not injured while we stood on the highway in a strange place, knowing nobody, but, were fine. A few weeks later we were still house hunting and wanted to put a bid in on a property, when we walked in that morning, the ceiling had collapsed from a leaky air conditioner unit. All I said was, “Joni, I don’t think you’re meant to be in this house” and embraced the moment. However, on the way to this property we noticed another one which afterwards we went to look at with our realtor and low and behold, it is where we are now, where we’re meant to be, and, we embraced the journey to get here!

Many of us are not fans of change, and, at one time neither was I. But, today, I look forward to it, I embrace the journey that unfolds before me knowing that there is a lesson of sorts in each and every adventure, challenge, move, meeting, etc. I’m truly learning to embrace them instead of getting bent out of shape with the things that don’t go as planned. It makes my life a lot easier. I believe that the hardest step is the first. However, believe me, once you take it, you never want to look back as you will continue to embrace change, embrace your life, embrace who you are, embrace your growth, embrace learning, embrace the lesson and embrace who you are becoming. The first step is the hardest, but, I believe that you can do it!

Life is a challenge at times, so, how do we teach our children to embrace it? We believe that when a child (person) is confident in who they are, their capabilities and knowing that giving up isn’t an option surely does help to embrace what life throws our way. When one learns that there are some things that you can not change, you learn to embrace them. When one learns that there is sure to be a lesson in this chaos, you embrace it. When one learns that growth is part of becoming who I am and who I want to be, we embrace it. Easier said than done at times, this I have no doubt. However, when you’re on the other side and have stepped out of your comfort zone, you have seen growth in who you are, you have confidence in what you’re about to take on, you learn to embrace it!

How do we teach a child to embrace the day?

  • Be a role model for your child.

    When life throws you lemons, make lemonade as they say! Find the lesson, find the solution and persevere, carry on as one might say. If you choose to throw a tantrum, guess what? When your child encounters difficulty they will do the same.

  • Encourage and inspire habits of optimism

    Meaning, look for the good outcome in any situation. Build a positive mindset.

  • Change is all around us.

    Discuss with your children that change happens in nature, in relationships, in jobs, etc. Perhaps you can begin with the change of season? Discuss each seasons beauty and what is about to come next. There is always a ‘next’ in change and when we allow ourselves to embrace it, we become more adaptable to them.

  • Embrace failure and accomplishments.

    Failure is inevitable in life, this is where we learn, there is a lesson. We discovered what didn’t work, now we work on a solution. Celebrate accomplishments! An accomplishment often comes after a failure, or hard work, a lesson learned. You did it, celebrate and make it a big deal, this will encourage your child to keep trying and to not quit. When a project doesn’t go as planned, they will automatically go to the mindset of, “hmmm….what can I do diffeerent?” Embracing a lesson and making lemonade out of lemons if you will. We don’t want to see our child shut down, throw a tantrum, or not be able to grow, learn or embrace lifes’ challenges, do we? Therefore, embrace both failures and accomplishments.

  • Embrace a hug.

    This is my favorite, if you know me, you know I’m a hugger! When we think of the word embrace, I think this is our go to visual, a hug.

The picture above is from a class we did at a library and talked about good behavior with Behavior Bear. The other is from the Chicago Land Kids Expo where the Characters of Character made their debut in costume. This little girl captured it all. Our books are available on Amazon here. Our current project is donating our Superhero Activity Boxes to children’s hospitals, you can learn more here. To support you in teaching your own children or stuents to persevere and embrace the new, this is a Free print out.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


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