“I AM”

Today we focus more on I AM than in years gone by it seems. I am, finish the statement. What you say is what you believe as I’m learning on my growth journey. These past few years after my gread adventure back in 2019, I’ve become a lot more aware of so many things and so intentional on so may things. One of which is my personal growth. What does that mean you ask? Well, I want to be the best I can be for others, and, so I need to dig deep into who I Am. When I went on my great adventure, I traveled to an art retreat with a dear friend who has changed my life. At this retreat were a group of beautiful and inspirational women whom I had never met before. It was a three day retreat where I began my growth journey. After cleaning up and settling in, we all gathered in the art space center prepared for the weekend. No longer had I just sat down when the instructor turns to me and says, “what brings you here” and I just said, “I’m finding Joni again”.

You see, I believe we all go through chapters in our lives, and this new chapter for me was the fact that our kids were grown, my husband began to travel for his work and I continued to still be a wife, a mom, a teacher, etc. and had my own nonprofit, Characters of Character. It was time for me to embrace the changes and to learn from the lessons. I am extremely blessed in the fact that I married my best friend, Joe, we’re married for 41 years this March and we raised three amazing kids who are all very supportive of what I do. Nope, not a grandma, a nana or mema, so, I get the opportunity to love on everyone else’s children!

My daughter, Jennifer created this “I Am” Affirmation Coloring book after sharing with her the impact that these words have, we thought that Self-Esteem Elephant, one of our nine animal character traits was the perfect spokes person! Below is a template for you to print out and discuss with your own family or students what powerful words “I Am” are!

Graphic by Jen Downey Book available on here and check out more books on Amazon here

The teacher and mom in me would like to offer these ideas as you engage your children in these affirmations.

  • Once your child is familiar with “I Am” ask them their word. Fill in the blank, “ Am” and listen to what they have to say

  • Check out the book and see if their word is inside

  • Color the page or make your own page

  • Make this a Journal cover and allow your child to write in it and draw in it whenever they feel the need

  • Reinforce their word, praise them for it

  • Make it a word wall word

  • Make it a word of the week

  • Display the word as a visual reminder

Print out the free template below to help you get started, “ I Am” excited for you to do some activities for yourself, your children, your family or your classroom!

Graphic by Jen Downey

Characters of Character is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization whose mission is to provide a firm foundation for children to establish strong civic values. Visit us often for more print outs, our Mindful Monday Word of the week, projects we’re working on and follow us on social media and be sure to check out our Wish List on Amazon for pet donations which go to our local Humane Society. Thank you!

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


Teaching Self-Esteem


Activities to Build Character