Teaching Self-Esteem

Building confidence and teaching a child to have self-esteem requires some thought, if you will. After all, you don’t want to build arrogance or conceit in a child, but, you do want them to feel proud of who they are and confident that they can tackle the tasks that unfold before them. Just my opinion!

Our character Self-Esteem Elephant teaches and reinforces confidence in our children. When was the last time you asked your child what they like about who they are? At a school visit, I asked a group of fourth graders what they liked about who they are. As you can imagine, I got, “I don’t know” or “nothing” and so the discussion began. I asked one by one, what are you good at? Before you knew it, their peers were in amazement to learn about their classmates and the differenct activities that they enjoyed outside of school! When you’re in a school setting, one tends to think about their academics, what they are good at, and we all know that if you’re struggling in a subject, you don’t necessarily want to discuss the topic. Therefore, find something that your child likes to do, that they are passionate about and are good at or practicing to get better at. This opens up a conversation which opens up communication which helps build confidence.

Graphic by Jen Downey click for FREE print out to encourage your child!

Tips to Build Confidence and Self-Esteem in a Child

  • Work around an activity that your child likes to do or is good at, this helps to build confidence and communication

  • Encourage your child with positive praise, this will boost their self-esteem

  • Introduce new activities for your child to engage in, this will build confidence and perhaps new found interest in something new

  • Know your gift, we all have them. Perhaps it’s art, athletics, music, being helpful, being kind, teaching, a topic that one thrives at, bring out the gifts in your child

  • Allow your child to share their gifts with others, don’t be selfish they will add a lot of happiness and support to others

    ​"Self-esteem is made up primarily of two things: feeling lovable and feeling capable." ~ Jack Canfield

This is an activity I did in class. The children made their own I LIKE ME necklace. On one side read, I Like ME and on the other side an adult wrote down what the child shared that they like about who they are. Take this to older children and make a Journal with this same thought, I Like ME. Use this as a daily writing activity to help a child build their confidence, dig deep to share what they like about who they are, learn more about who they are and share their confidence through literacy building better communication and a lot more self-esteem!

Self-Esteem Elephant has a story called, “Let’s Be Proud” on Amazon. There is also an activity book and a bulletin board book where you will find plenty of ideas, suggestions, templates and activities to build confidence and self-esteem in our children. There are also videos where you can introduce this character to your family!

If you shop on Amazon, please choose Characters of Character as your Charity. The cost is zero to you, they donate to the Charity you choose! Thank you.

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

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Building Confidence with Self-Esteem Elephant


“I AM”