Mindful Monday Word-Wonder

Have you listened to the song I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack? I encourage you to listen to the lyrics, they are beautiful and can be found here.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder? These are the first words and while we talk about wonder this Monday, I find this song so appropriate to share. As a parent or grandparent, we hope our children will find the wonder that surrounds them in the world. We hope they discover new curiosities in a healthy fashion and always have a sense of wonder. There are so many beautiful places in our world, so many beautiful people and so many beautiful opportunities to discover them. It’s up to us to safely allow them to discover them. This will spark a curiosity with a child and they will learn, they will grow, they will discover and most of all they will be able to explore more of what makes them wonder…..

I hope these encourage you to develop a sense of wonder in your child:

  1. Because I am big on literacy, why not build an “I Wonder” Journal or even wall?

    Should your child discover a new insect, write the word, research it and draw it in the journal and put it on a word wall. Build their vocabulary, their fine motor skills and especially their sense of wonder.

  2. Get out doors and explore together!

    This may be as simple as smelling the grass, watching the clouds, listening to the sounds around you. You can do this indoors as well. Be intentional of where you are and take in all the wonders that are surrounding you at that moment.

  3. Be enthusiastic for new discovers, remember that they may be a first for your child.

    This will bring such excitement and encouragement to wonder more!

  4. Ask questions about the discoveries with your child.

    Not every discovery will increase a sense of wonder, but when your child finds one that they like, talk about it and help them discover more of the same.

  5. Be sure that your exploring is safe, children like to touch and move around as they discover this new wonder.

    There is something magical watching a child discover new wonders. While they may be old news to us, a child has a sense of wonder and excitement about them. They’re going to inspire you to be more aware of the beauty that surrounds us. We still drive around and I am in awe of the clouds! I’ll say, “did you see those clouds?” or when we’re driving I the Fall, my favorite time of the year other than the Spring time, I’ll say, “do you see these leaves?” While I’ve seen them a million times, they still bring me so much happiness and a sense of wonder. Keep your sense of wonder with your children, encourage one another with the wonders that you discover and keep on exploring and learning together.

TELL me and I forget. TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

This is a print out for Opportunities. This is a print out for Nurture. This is a print out for Presence. I encourage you to take the OPPORTUNITY to NURTURE your child and allow them to WONDER in your PRESENCE.

Characters of Character is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a firm foundation for our children. We are making a difference in the life of a child with our character messages. We are making a difference with our Superhero Activity Boxes donated to Children’s Hospitals. We are making a difference as we teach children through art and literacy and character visits. We are making a difference through community events. Please, consider a donation to our cause. Your support make a difference. Thank you. Visit us online here to learn more and how you can support our Wish List, our Projects and the Characters of Character.


Mindful Monday Word-Graceful


Your Character Matters