3rd Mindful Monday Word-Abundant
We all have abundance in our lives. Some may be abundant in finances. Some may be abundant in knowledge in a specific topic. Some may be abundant in their care giving. We all have abundance.
The word abundant has so many meanings. When you think of abundance, what comes to mind? Are you abundant in possessions? Are you abundant in a family filled with love? Are you abundant in finances? Think about the word abundant, what comes to mind? Abundant means overflowing, fullness. The word abundant is a word that gets you thinking and appreciating all that you have in life. In general, for me, the word abundant inspires me to take notice and to appreciate the good things in my life. I tend to find gratitude in each and every day of life. It puts me in a good mindset and reminds me of all the abundance that surrounds me.
What is in your life that you have an abundance of?
I am abundant in my awareness for those who support who I am.
I am abundant in my awareness for intentionally improving my personal growth
I am abundant in my awareness that there is always room for improvement, lessons to learn and ways to learn what I need to
I ask myself which Characters of Character portrays this Mindful Monday word, abundance, and, I can say that they all do! When you’re abundant in good behavior, like Behavior Bear, your good behaviors are abundant and you attract others with similiar behaviors. When you’re a go-getter, like Do’er Duck, who never gives up and teaches perseverance, you’re abundant in courage and strength. When you find ways to include others, not just your circle of friends, you’re like Friendship Frog, who teaches us how friends influence one another and attract new friendships, and an abundant friendship is fulfilling. If you’re a health nut, like Healthy Hippo who teaches children about healthy habits, then you’re abundant in ways to use your healthy habits to be abundant in good health. When you’re abundant in polite words and actions, you’re like Manners Monkey. When you respect yourself and others, you’re like Respectful Rabbit and being abundant in respect helps bring awareness to treat others as you would like to be treated. We are all abundant in being responsible, like Responsible Rabbit who teaches that you are the one who is responsible for our thoughts, our actions, your consequences, and, therefore, be abundant in doing and saying the right things. When you have confidence, you’re abundant in esteem, and who you are, like Self-Esteem Elephant and mostly, when you’re abundant with being kind, saying kind things, doing kind things for others and also yourself, you are like Warm-Hearted Walrus.
Graphic by Jen Downey
There are many words that compliment the word, “Abundant”, and I believe that when you are abundant in anything, it’s always good to share. Below is a word search to share with your children and students to help engage them in the word, '‘abundance’ have them say the word, think about the word and write a sentence about the word, build a story around the word. Journal the word, make an art activity with the word, or, simply ask them after completing the word search which word speaks to them about the word, abundant?
Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. — Wayne Dyer
How will you use the word abundant in your week?
Did you know that Characters of Character is ABUNDANT with the ideas and projects to reach our children and instill these vital core values into their daily language, live them in their heart and model them in their daily lives? We are! Nobody said it would be easy, but, it would be worth it as we are helping to build a better tomorrow for our society and to teach our youth at a young age is important, and to allow them to internalize, meet and model these values, priceless. Our nonprofit provides a firm foundation for children to establish strong civic values. Be sure to visit us online to learn about some of our projects and how you can become involved in them, check out our books on Amazon, check out our YouTube videos which help to reinforce these nine core values we created!
TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin