Mindful Monday Word-Effort

E is for explanation. Explain the lesson, project or mission so your child has an understanding of what is expected of them.

F is for fun! When you put effort into a project, make it fun. It’s more memorable.

F is for feedback. If your child isn’t making an effort, ask them why not? There is a reason they aren’t motivated.

O is for opportunities. When you make an effort, you’re trying, you’re going to learn something and there is always opportunity to grow!

R is for repeat. Our first effort at learning something is not always accomplished the first time! Repeat, try again, it’s worth your effort!

T is for TA-DA! When you put effort into something, you should celebrate this! Not everyone moves forward with effort to get it done!

Our character Do’er Duck uses the phrase; “Never give Up” and this takes EFFORT! How easy is it to quit a difficult task? What do we learn if we quit? The first thing you need to do is to try. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t accomplish your task the first try, this is where the ol’ cliche comes in; “try, try again” like the Little Engine That Could! Hopefully you know the feeling of an accomplishment when you’ve finished a project or learned a new lesson. You would not have had the opportunity to feel this if you had not put in the effort.

How do we teach our children to put the effort in? I can’t emphasize enough that our children are listening to what we say, the words we use, the phrases we share. They are watching our actions, how we get things done, how we react to situations. Don’t give up, find the solution, put in the effort! They want to be like you. Print out the certificate above when your child puts in the effort, they practice, they complete a task. Praise them and always encourage them, they will grow leaps and bounds!

Here are some tips to help teach your child to put in the effort:

  1. It’s important to praise your child for their effort, not so much the accomplishment, praise their efforts!

  2. Teach your child by example. They’re watching you, show them it’s not always easy, but, you do put in the effort to get it done.

  3. There is always a lesson in our failures. We learn new techniques or skills, especially when we put in the effort

  4. Don’t underestimate your child! They are capable with your praise, encouragement and guidance.

  5. Don’t do the task for them, coach them, get involved, but allow them to do the leg work, that’s how they learn.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

Please, make an EFFORT to support our work! You can donate, purchase from our Wish List, Become a Sponsor and tell others about our characters to impact our children with a firm foundation of good character. After all, they are the future. They will become our Leaders. WE are their role models. Teach them well.


Respect Yourself and Others


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