7th Mindful Monday Word-Honesty

HONESTY is a sign of a person integrity, trust and a core value which is absolutely crucial in a relationship, a friendship and your personal life.

How many of us have heard the old cliche’ “Honesty is the best policy” and as a child, what did you take from this? In a child’s mind, depending on the situation, it might not even occur to them to be honest in a situation. For example, by accident your drop your moms favorite measuring cup and it shatters all over the floor. You scurry to clean it up, sweep, mop and throw away the glass very carefully so not to get cut. Days go by and you don’t say a thing to the fact that you dropped this item and it broke. Instead, a child thinks that they got away with it! Until, that day when mom reaches for the measuring cup and it’s not there! She’s confused knowing that she put it where it belonged, and yet, it’s not there. when she asks you if you know what happened to this item, you can either LIE and say no, no you don’t, and live with that forever, or, you can simply tell the truth. It’s your call, but, we all know that HONESTY is the best policy. Sure, she might be mad for a minute because her measuring glass isn’t in the cabinet, but, she will also be relieved that you told the truth and that you were not harmed. Eventually, yes, eventually the truth comes out on most situations. You may have had the ‘speech’ to just be honest and tell the truth when something happens. Most of us have!

This happens to the best of us. As a mom of adult kids, it usually came to the forefront that something had happened and you might have waited to see if your child stepped up to the plate and was honest about a situation. I can still remember when I was driving with the kids and I knew they were hiding an issue, but, they did not know I knew. So, while we were driving I brought up the situation, to their surprise! We talked about it and resolved it. They asked me how I knew? At that time, I had a mole on the back of my head and used it to my advantage! I simply said, “well, you know that moms have eyes in the back of their head” and I showed them mine!! Man, did we laugh! I’ve since had it removed, but it sure was a fun metaphor to use on our small kids! Being a parent is the toughest job you’ll ever have and you do what you think is the right thing at the right time. Teaching your children to be honest a trait to be taught, to be modeled and to instill. Why? Think about it……

As a child you may have thought that a little white lie wasn’t really a lie at all, I know I did. Until, you grow up and realize, that even a little white lie is a lie and it is not being honest. Being honest with yourself is vital! When you’re honest with yourself the pit in your stomach slows down. Why? Most likely because you’re being honest with yourself, that gut feeling is always a sign, at least to me it has been. When you’re conflicted in making a decision, between the truth and a little while lie, the truth is the correct answere, however, we’re only human and may think that the little white lie is the best choice, something some of us may need to work on.

Author unknown

Our character Friendship Frog is one of the nine Characters of Character. This character teaches a child what it means to be a friend, and, that friends are honest. Making new friends as a child or as an adult isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Quite honestly, it’s probably much easier as a child to make new friends, there is an unconditional state of mind as children when making new friendships. However, as an adult, we have met some friends along the way who were not up to our standards as a friend. One thing is certain, an honest friend, an honest person is one to keep close. This person will tell you the truth, tell you like it is, and tell you what you might not want to hear, none the less, honesty is the best. Friendship Frog has visited many classrooms and communities to share the message of what it means to be a friend. Friendship Frog has a few tips to help you talk about friendship with your children.

HONESTY- Helps others trust you, Owning your actions, No lying, cheating or stealing, Encourages others, Shows respect, Trust=Trust, You CAN do it! From your friend, Friendship Frog

First, discuss with your children all the different things that friends can do together.

Then, discuss with your children that friends care about one another, sincerely.

Next, you can have more than one friend, but, it’s always nice to have a best friend, one who likes you just the way you are.

Finally, friends do come in every shape and color, they may all look different on the outside, but, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Are you able to tell your friend a secret and feel that it is safe with them? Are you able to call your friend at any given time of the day to talk or listen to your issue? Are you honest with your friends? Do you trust your friends?

And, the biggest question of all, does your friend trust you? Having that good friend is a bond like no other, you may have grown up with this person, just newly acquainted with this person or you may have married this person. Find this person, be this person and always, always be honest with this person. Once trust is broken, it’s a long way back to earn that trust again.

When friendships form, and as we grow, you might have lost touch with some of your friends. But, when you reach out, there they are. You are able to pick up where you left off. That’s a good friend. Teaching our children that friendships are important at an early age helps them to grow into the friend that not only they would like to be, but, what kind of friends they will look for in their own lives. True friends will accept you just the way you are. Think about when you were dating, you wanted your hair just right, your best pair of jeans to wear, etc. Now think about how you are when you’re with your really good friend(s). Do you even care what your hair looks like or that you don’t have on your best pair of jeans? I hope the answer is no because it doens’t matter what’s on the outside, your true friends see you for who you are and sincerely care about the person that you are on the inside. Be honest with yourself, each and every day, this way you won’t have to fake it, ever, along the way. There is no better feeling knowing that you’re accepted as who you are becuase you are honest with yourself first, that’s character.

Graphics by Jen Downey

Click here to print out template and use with your children or students on Honesty.

HONESTY- Helps others trust you, Owning your actions, No lying, cheating or stealing, Encourages others, Shows respect, Trust=Trust, You CAN do it! From your friend, Friendship Frog


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