Are You Throwing Your Child To The Wolves?

Let’s; think about this, if you’re not exposing, discussing, modeling and teaching your child vital core values, you’re setting them up for failure. The world is tough out there, people can be harsh, inpatient and selfish. It’s just the way it is one might say? I say NO WAY! You don’t have to be that way. See the world your way, we all see it differently, but, for me, I believe that if you have a firm foundation, you’ll make better choices, you’ll have a different outlook, you’ll have confidence in what you will and you can achieve in life. Be it everyday occurrences or long term life. A child doesn’t come with a rule book, nope, and it’s a good thing! Each child is unique, each child learns differently and each child is a gift. When you provide a firm foundation for your child, you’re allowing them to make choices, you’re allowing them to learn, you’re allowing them to grow into the best that they can be. After all, isn’t that what we want for our child? To be the best they can be, not be better than we were, not to be like another, but, to be the best that they can be. Let them find their voice.

When we expose our child to different experiences they see, hear and feel both sides. For example, if you’re in a disagreement with another, let them hear the conversation, also let them hear and see that you can and you will come to a resolution. It’s really alright to have a different opinion on a topic, don’t let it define your relationship. Show and teach your child to find a solution to the problem, to be a problem solver. All through life we need to solve issues, use our voice and embrace change. What’s important is the fact that when you have a firm foundation, you’re well equipped to find a solution to the issue. It may not be in the moment, but, it will have a result. Now you’re teaching your child to persevere, not to give in or give up. And, to be confident in their choice.

If you’re a good listener, you’ll hear more of what is actually happening in the situation. One should not take sides without having listened to the entire story, from both sides. Your behavior will benefit the people because you’re not choosing sides, let them voice their opinion, discuss their belief and hear one another first, then, please, chime in with your voice and share what you have heard, seen and felt, from both sides. Then, and only then, after you’ve listened should you share your opinion. We all have one, but, we all need to practice listening and not react first in any situation. With a well equipped tool box, you’re more confident in the choices that you make. You’ve fallen, but, you’ve gotten back up. You’ve been cut down, but, you’ve gotten back up. You’ve grown and you’re learning. Our growth journey is in place all of our life, it is more obvious when we are aware of it. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and want to pass that knowledge and experience on to others. Especially our children. Let’s provide a firm foundation for children to establish strong civic values. TOGETHER.

Believe me when I say that things have changed since I was young, in reality, the years change constantly as do beliefs, businesses, families and communities. Again, when there is a firm foundation, when you are aware and know you have choices, you know you can choose from your tool box to address change, it makes the day fall into place a bit smoother. Life will change, people will change, communities will change, trends will change, you get the point. Giving your child the tools to learn, to grow and to stand firm at an early age allows them to grow, to learn and to be a better version of who they are day in and day out.

Teach your child the importance of good behavior, that by being a better listener you will hear what is being said, you will learn and you will have the opportunity to ask questions if need be.

Teach your child the importance of perseverance, that when you keep trying you will reach your destination, your goal and the pride they feel when this is accomplished.

Teach your child to be a friend, not every child has a friend, teaching your child that each person needs a friend, and if you can’t find one, to be one.

Teach your child healthy habits, having a healthy mind is as important as having a healthy body and to make healthy choices daily becoming healthy habits.

Teach your child to have good manners, to be polite, to use polite words and have good mannerisms, it’s like music to ones ears.

Teach your child to respect who they are and to respect others. Respect is earned, it’s taught and it’s important for relationships, conversations and daily living.

Teach your child that they are responsible for the choices they make, so again, let’s teach them at a young age the importance of responsibility, don’t pass the buck, take it on responsibly.

Teach your child to be proud of who they are, to have confidence and self-esteem which helps them academically, in friendships, activities and life.

Teach your child to be kind, to be warm-hearted. No sense in using harsh words or actions to get a message across, be kind.

These are the messages from the Characters of Character. All of these traits build good character in children, youth and adults. It’s about balance, it’s about patience, it’s about learning and growing into the best person one can be, and it begins with you, at home, at a young age, you are the role model, you are the teacher and everything else your child needs. With no instruction book to read on your child, I can promise you that since the beginning of time, having vital core values in place brings you success, happiness and purpose in life. For there is a child somewhere who is listening to you, watching what you do and most likely wanting to be like you, please remember that when frustration washes over you, or when your mouth wants to spit out cruel words, or if feel you’re going to fly off the handle, don’t use the excuse that it’s how you were raised if you know it is wrong, allow your child to be better, to do better and to reach for the stars. The sky is the limit.

Graphic by Joni Downey

Characters of Character has published books on Amazon, on Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million to help you build a firm foundation in your home, in your children and in your family.

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I learn, INVOLVE me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin


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