Halloween Coloring Pages

If you’re looking for fun Halloween coloring pages, we’ve got you covered! You may or may not be familiar with our Characters, so please allow us to introduce or re-introduce our nine Characters and their corresponding traits.

Our Characters were designed to be used as a tool to help children further develop social skills, emotional coping skills, fine motor skills, and explore their creativity - all while instilling positive character attributes.

Behavior Bear

Behavior Bear teaches children that good behavior is a characteristic to portray at home, at school, and at play. Be a role model, use good behavior each and everyday.

Do’er Duck

Do’er Duck teaches children about perseverance and what it means to never give up. Do’er Duck also assists in instilling why it’s an important character trait to carry on in life and knowing the difference between when it’s okay to walk away and when you could continue striving.

Friendship Frog

Friendship Frog teaches children what a healthy friendship looks like, how to be a good friend to others, and why having friendships is so important in life.

Healthy Hippo

Healthy Hippo teaches children that having a healthy mind is also important when it comes to maintaining healthy habits.

Manners Monkey

Manners Monkey teaches children what being polite means and how to display good manners in every situation from home to play, and everywhere in between.

Respectful Rabbit

Respectful Rabbit teaches children what it means to show respect to people, places, and things. Respectful Rabbit reminds everyone that respect is earned - and why it’s such an important character trait in our every day lives.

Responsible Rabbit

Responsible Rabbit teaches children what being responsible means and that we are each responsible for our own actions and behaviors. Responsible Rabbit also reminds children that they are responsible for cleaning their own room, their own attitude, and why being responsible for our things and actions is so important.

Self-Esteem Elephant

Self-Esteem Elephant teaches children to like who they are and be proud of the person they are becoming. Self-Esteem Elephant encourages children to be confident with the decisions they make - including their own behavior.

Warm-Hearted Walrus

Warm-Hearted Walrus teaches children to be kind, compassionate, and warmhearted. Warm-Hearted Walrus helps children understand and internalize what being kind truly means and how they can make the world a kinder place.

Let’s Connect!


Mindful Monday Word-Bullying


P is for Pumpkin and Perseverance