“How Am I Responsible, Let Me Count The Ways”

Our character, Responsible Rabbit teaches children and youth what it means to be responsible. I’m a mom first, and I know first hand that it’s no easy task to teach our children to be responsible children. They expect everything to be done by us, which as a mom, many times I did not mind. For example, doing laundry, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen, taking the dog for a walk and all the other things that moms do to make the house a home. Then, one day, it dawned on me! Why should I do EVERYTHING!! It was just my nature to clean their rooms, do the chores, run the house, take the kids to activities and not to mention, I worked outside of our home! Now, this took me awhile, but I did catch on and I’d like to share some tips to teach children to be responsible with you.

Tips To Teach A Child To Be Responsible:

  • Be a role model first, your child watches what you do and what you say, and how you follow through.

  • It’s okay to ask them to pick up after themselves. Put their toys in the basket, put their dish by the sink and clean the table after lunch, dinner and breakfast. To put their clothes IN the laundry basket, etc. It’s okay!

  • It’s okay to ask them to wait their turn if you’re having a conversation with another person, they might interrupt you, but don’t let them take over the conversation. Finish what you’re conversing and them listen to your child. They can wait their turn, it’s okay!

  • It’s okay to ask your child to help bring in the groceries or bags from shopping. They should be engaged in the activities that go around running the house! It’s okay.

  • It’s okay to ask your child to help out in the kitchen, depending on their age, there are so many things they can help with to run the kitchen, make a meal and prepare special meals. They can help with the prep work and even the execution which allows them to see the hard work and love that goes into the kitchen. Make a fun desert, make a fun snack, working WITH your children is where it’s at! It’s okay!

  • It’s okay to look at the weather for the next day and have your child lay out their clothes for the next day. This helps lessen chaos in the mornings and they learn about the weather, fashion and being organized to start a new day, the day ahead! It’s okay!

Do you see where I’m going with all of this? It’s okay! I truly do have a favorite quote and it’s by Benjamin Franklin, and goes like this:

TELL me and I forget, TEACH me and I remember, INVOLVE me and I learn.

When your child comes to you and says, “I’m Bored” check out what Responsible Rabbit suggests they can do! It’s okay. Keep in mind your child may act out when they are bored, engage them. Find activities that they enjoy, or find out what activities that they like to do. It certainly doesn’t have to be helping around the house, but build their imaginations, their creativity, their curiosity about life. It’s okay.

One other piece of advice I’d like to share about being responsible is this, when your child has homework, are you doing it for them? Are you the one putting it in their backpack for the next day? Are you the one putting projects together for them for school? Are you the one eating their homework when it doesn’t go back to school!! haha, I kid. It’s okay to help out with homework, but keep in mind, your child has a lesson to learn through homework, let them do the work. It’s okay. Ask them if they completed their homework or their project and if they put it in their backpack to go back to school. Yes, we all forget at times, when your child feels the emotions of not completing a project or homework they will think twice about neglecting it the next time. It’s okay. The more they know, the more they know!

I have just completed a new book series, COME LEARN WITH ME for each of the Characters of Character and they are geared towards ages 0-5. This is a great opportunity to discuss what it means to be responsible and get your child on a good path to being just that! It’s okay. Responsible Rabbit is a good place to start when teaching a child to be responsible. Keep in mind when reading books or engaging children in activities that there are age appropriate ways in doing so. Your child will grow fast and you’ll wonder where the time has gone. Do the best you can at the moment and just be there. Be there when they want to talk with you. Be there when they need a hug. Be there when they have questions. Be there when they need advice. Be there when they fall. Be there to pick them up. Be there to encourage them. The more you are there for them, the more they will trust you and the more you will learn and grow together, for me, it doesn’t get any better than that. Help your child to be organized and learn to be responsible. It’s okay!


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