Mindful Monday Word-Impact

This week is the word Impact. I’m not clear if we even think of this on a daily basis, I mean after all, everything we do, we think or say has an impact. I’ve said so many times to parents that although they think their child isn’t listening to them, they are. Or, that their child doesn’t see what they’re doing, they do. Even our thoughts and words are impactful to our children. Let’s think about this:

How do your thoughts impact you? When we think negative thoughts it shows in our attitudes, our emotions and our actions. When we practice gratitude there are many benefits to this. Most of us need to practice gratitude and that’s really fine, it does make a huge impact on who you are, what you say and do, too. I’ve come to notice that the month of November seems to be a month of gratitude, which is really beautiful. However, this is something that should be practiced all year long, it has so many benefits and really does make an impact on who we are. For example, when we practice gratitude it impacts our health by developing more joy and optimism which helps to build a stronger immune system and create more friendships. There are statistics to show the impact of gratitude, I’m not here to preach this, I’m here to share that everything, and I mean everything we think has an impact on who we are. Everything we say, everything, has an impact on others and the same is true for everything we do.

My hope is that we become more aware of our thoughts as they impact our day. When we rise to start a new day, however you may begin yours, if it’s in prayer, journal writing or exercise. How you begin your day starts the tone of it. If you are starting your day off rather crabby, your whole demeanor follows you into the day, at work, with your family and into your thoughts. Try to shake the crabby you! Become aware of what it is that is making you this way and work on it, intentionally. Your own crabby thoughts will bring you down and others around you. That is making an impact! Who wants to impact others with being crabby? Instead, find the joy and optimism in your life to start a new day and be sure to reference them at the end of your day. Building yourself up with confidence, finding the good and bringing it out into the world, that is impactful. YOU yourself are impactful. This is something that we most likely don’t habitually just think of, but, it is true.

When I taught preschool and a student wasn’t happy, I’d say, ‘Hey, where’s that smile of yours? Is it in your pocket? C’mon now, put it on that beautiful face for all of us to see!” And, they would dig in their pocket and pretend to put a smile on their face. Of course, we addressed what was making them sad in the first place, but, we truly turned that frown upside down which made an impact on the rest of our day! As an educator, we are impacting the lives of our students each and every day. The same is true for parenting. While our lives can become filled with the hustle and bustle of every day issues, it’s so important to become more conscious of our words. Our words are probably the most impactful, after all, once they are spoken they can not be taken back. Words are very impactful. I’ve always tried to be encouraging with my words because they bring so much happiness, encouragement and hope. Who doesn’t want any of those things? I like to think our words are very much intentional, a bully means to use hurtful words, a good friend means to use uplifting words and parents mean to use encouraging words. I do hope that you choose your words wisely, they are impactful.

What about our actions? Our actions are also very impactful. When we are kind and welcoming, the bees fly to the honey. One thing that is important as an adult is to remember that there are others who are watching us, especially your family and children. Therefore, try to use kindness and encouragement daily. For example, hold the door open for another person coming up behind you, use polite words when speaking to others and have self control in difficult situations. Your reactions as well as your actions are very impactful. Before you think to yourself, “I don’t really care what others think” I’d like to encourage you that you should! You need to stand up for what you believe in by all means, but, keep in mind that what ever it is, you are impactful. Can you live with yourself if you’re not making good choices or knowingly hurting the intentions of others? It’s rewarding to like who you are and to knowingly try to make a good impact on others. Just this morning I read a post from a neighbors son who shared that he was driving to work, his gps took him in the wrong direction and needed to turn around. While it was dark out he did not see the fencing at the end of the driveway and ran it over, not to be late to work he drove off. However, his conscious got the best of him and he went back to the home to see the damage and apologized to the homeowner and offered to fix it. That is impactful! He made the right choice and an impression on the elderly couple who were pleased with his honesty.

Stop to think about all the people that you impact on a daily basis. Be it in person, on line or through any type of conversation. You impact your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your co-workers, your friendships, your relationships and especially your thoughts and your actions. My hope is that you find gratitude in your life and bring this daily to your thoughts which impact others, your actions which impact others and intentionally become more aware of the impact that you make in the world we all live in. YOU are impactful!


Mindful Monday Word-Sparkle


My Positive Statements